Movie o Film
Una película de terror / una película de miedo: horror movie
Una película documental : document
Una película histórica: historical movie
Una película musical / un musical: musical movie
Una película romántica : romantic movie
La animación = animation
El subtitulo = subtitle
- ¿Qué tipo de películas te gusta? What kinds of movie do you like?
- Prefiero las películas de ciencia ficción. I prefer science fiction (sci-fi) movie.
- ¿De qué va esta película? Or ¿De qué trata esta película? What is that movie about?
- ¿Qué tipo de película es esta? What kind of movie is that?
- Es una película de terror. It is a horror movie.
- Me gustaría ver una película de aventuras. I would like to watch an adventure movie.
What kind of movie do you like?
Juan: Lily, do you like movies?
Lily: Of course I do, (smile), why are you asking?
Juan: I am going to have a movie night with my friends. Just a small group.
Lily: this weekend? What are you going to watch?
Juan: We are going to watch “US” by Jordan Peele.
Lily: I heard it is really good! But that’s a horror movie, right?
Juan: Yeah,, but it is not just a scary movie. It is about “Others” or outsiders, and how Americans view others.
Lily: It is about the U.S. society! I like it. When do you want to watch?
Juan: Maybe next weekend? It’s Thanksgiving, or Indigenous remembrance weekend.
Lily: That sounds good.
Juan: Lily, do you like movies?
Lily, ¿te gustan las películas?
Lily: Of course I do, (smile), why are you asking?
Por supuesto que sí, (sonrisa), ¿por qué preguntas?
Juan: I am going to have a movie night with my friends. Just a small group.
Voy a tener una noche de cine con mis amigos. Sólo un grupo pequeño.
Lily: Este fin de semana? This weekend? What are you going to watch?
¿Qué vas a ver?
¿Qué vas a ___(verbo) = what are you going to ___ (verbo)
Vas a ___? = Are you going to ____?
What are you going to play?
What are you going to dance?
What are you going to eat?
Que vas a hacer? What are you going to do?
Que vas a estudiar? What are you going to study?
Que vas a comer? What are you going to eat?
Answer: Voy a __(verbo) = I am going to __ (verbo)
I am going to study English.
I am going to go to my English class.
I am going to go to my work. (will, I will go to my work)
I will become a grandmother one day. – near or far future
(I am going to become a grand mother) – certain (cierto, Seguro)
Question: What are you going to do this weekend?
We are going to go and see our family.
We are going to celebrate my husband’s birthday.
I am going to go to a store. I am going to shop.
I am going to wash my truck.
I am going to dinner with friends.
I am going to make a dinner for Dia de Los Muertos and I am going to make a costume.
I am going to celebrate my mother’s birthday.
Juan: We are going to watch “US” by Jordan Peele.
Vamos a ver "US" de Jordan Peele.
Lily: I heard it is really good! But that’s a horror movie, right?
Lily: He oído que es realmente bueno! Pero es una película de terror, ¿no?
Juan: Yeah,, but it is not just a scary movie. It is about “Others” or outsiders, and how Americans view others.
Sí, pero no es sólo una película de miedo. Se trata de "Otros" o forasteros, y cómo los estadounidenses ven a los demás.
Inside (dentro)
Outside (fuera)
Outsider = fuereno/a
Lily: It is about the U.S. society! I like it. When do you want to watch?
¡Se trata de la sociedad estadounidense! Me gusta. ¿Cuándo quieres mirar?
Juan: Maybe next weekend? It’s Thanksgiving, or Indigenous remembrance weekend.
¿Quizás el próximo fin de semana? Es el fin de semana de Acción de Gracias, o recuerdo indígena.
Lily: That sounds good.
Eso suena bien.
Please talk about your favorite movie, TV show, or actor! hable de su película favorita, programa de televisión o actor
I like ____.
Plot, story
Famous scene
Describe a movie: (adjectivo) funny, scary, interesting, imaginative, sad, tragic, beautiful, touching, dramatic, romantic, big-budget
“a feel-good movie”
boring, predictable, outdated, violent,
I can’t think of any particular movie right now.
- La película era divertida. (The movie was funny.)
- La película era aburrida. (The movie was boring.)
- El argumento era muy bueno. (The storyline was very good.)
- Volvería a verla una y otra vez. (I’d watch it again and again.)
¿Te gustó la película? (Did you like the film?)
- Es una película muy buena. (It is a very good movie.)
- Es una película muy mala. (It is a very bad movie.)
- Me parece una película muy interesante. (I think it is a very interesting movie.)