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Apuntes (20, Octubre, 2021)

Writer's picture: Maestra Yoon-RamirezMaestra Yoon-Ramirez

Describing appearances and personalities

Kim: Sonya, is that your friend, Juan?

Sonya: Juan? Dónde?

Kim: Alli! Right there! You don’t see him? A tall guy with brown hair!

Sonya: Oh, that’s not Juan. That’s my cousin, Felipe.

Kim: I thought he was Juan. He looks like Juan.

Sonya: He does! Felipe recently lost a lot of weight.

Kim: I see. Who is the lady right next to Felipe?

Sonya: A woman with blond hair?

Kim: No, she is wearing a red dress with high heels.

Sonya: I don’t know. Maybe she is Felipe’s girlfriend?

Kim: Let’s go say hi to them!

Vocabulary about Appearance (aspecto)

Atractivo/a: attractive , handsome (men),

Alto/a: tall

Bajo/a: short

Bonito/a: pretty, beautiful, handsome, gorgeous

Delgado/a: thin, skinny

Hermoso/a: good-looking

Pálido/a: pale

Rubio/a: blond

Cabello/pelo rizado: curly hair

Cabello liso: straight hair

Cabello canoso: grey hair

Cabello castaño: Brown hair

Cabello corto: short hair

Cabello largo: long hair

El color de piel: skin color (White or Black or Brown, race)

Light-skin: I have a light skin or complexion

Dark-skin: dark complexion

Luz o oscuridad

She has a light complexion.

Ojos azules blue eyes

Ojos negros black eyes

Ojos verdes Green eyes

Joven: young

Mayor: old

¿Cómo es él/ella? / ¿Cómo luce él/ella? - What does he/she look like?

Él/ella se ve así… - He/she looks like this…

¿Puedes describirlo/la? - Can you describe him/her?

Él/Ella es (adjetivo) - He/she is (adjective)

Él/ella tiene (sustantivo+adjetivo) - He/she has (noun + adjective)

An old woman with grey hair

She looks happy, because she is smiling.

She is wearing sunglasses.

She is wearing a necklace .

She has dark complexion.

She is wearing a black dress.

She is wearing earrings.

She is wearing bracelets.

She has short hair.

Her hair is wavy.

She is sitting on a chair.

Who is she? Her name is Maya Angelou and she is a famous American writer.

Maya Angelou’s book: I know why the caged bird sings

Yo sé por qué canta el pájaro enjaulado (Spanish Edition)

Dark hair, lighter complexion,

She is wearing a long dress.

Her dress is pink.

She has straight hair.

She is wearing rings.

She is wearing big earrings.

She is thin and tall.

She is beautiful.

There are cacti behind her. (one cactus, two cacti)

There are ferns next to her.

She is wearing a red shawl (chal).

She has a predominant look.

She looks gorgeous.

Activity (Breakout room):

Please describe one of your family members (your spouse, esposo/a, hermana/o, brothers or sisters, your son or daughter, hijo/a, cousin)

What does he/she look like?

He/she is ____.

He/she has ___.

Kim: Sonya, is that your friend, Juan?

Sonya, ¿es tu amiga, Juan?

Sonya: Juan? Dónde?

Kim: Alli! Right there! You don’t see him? A tall guy with brown hair!

Allí! ¡Justo allí! ¿No lo ves? ¡Un tipo alto con el pelo castaño!

Guy = man

Sonya: Oh, that’s not Juan. That’s my cousin, Felipe.

Ese no es Juan. Ese es mi primo, Felipe.

Kim: I thought it was Juan. He looks like Juan.

Pensé que era Juan. Se parece a Juan.

I think = I thought (pasado)

Mayra’s son looks like Mayra.

Joseline looks like Laura.

I look like my father.

Sonya: He does! Felipe recently lost a lot of weight.

¡Lo hace! Felipe perdió mucho peso recientemente.

Gain weight: aumentar de peso

Lose weight: Perder peso, bajar de peso

(pasado) lost weight

Tall (alto) + er = taller (mas alto)

Alturo is taller than Ivan.

Short (corto) = mas corto, shorter

Pretty (bonita) = mas bonita, prettier. Amy is prettier than Maya.

Kim: I see. Who is the lady right next to Felipe?

Ya veo. ¿Quién es la dama al lado de Felipe?

Next to: al lado de o junto a

Enfrente de o delante de: in front of

Detrás de: behind of

En medio de: between, in the middle,


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